movie of the moment…

MaryAnn’s quick take: A spineless dystopian action drama that defaults to a dangerously irresponsible both-sides-ism; Civil War’s pretense of “objectivity” is unfair to the journalist protagonists the film thinks it’s championing. Read the review…

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directed by women

Cat Person yellow light Cat Person movie review: her too - The cringe of modern relationships stinks up this antiromance. Its bald truths, all but ignored in pop culture, about how women navigate romantic and sexual relationships with men, demand to be heard.

movies for the resistance

How to Blow Up a Pipeline green light How to Blow Up a Pipeline movie review: it means the earth to them - A heist drama, incendiary and intense, with planetary stakes. These young people are desperate, with nothing to lose, and everyone older than them made them this way. Nihilism is their only optimism.

21st-century sci-fi

Arcadian yellow light Arcadian movie review: they mostly come at night, mostly - It exists safely within the vast subgenre of postcollapse afterscapes, but it does what it does well, with nicely drawn characters, a sense of cultural mythmaking, and freakishly unsettling creatures.

loaded question

Mary Poppins loaded question: what movies beyond ‘Mary Poppins’ deserve a rethink of their official ratings? - What older movies might warrant a rethink, either to acknowledge their suitability to audiences of all ages or to restrict them to more discerning adults?

streaming watchlist

Train to Busan curated cinema: zombies with a ticket to ride - 2016’s Train to Busan leaves US Netflix soon; on Studiocanal Presents in the UK (and lots of other services on both sides of the Atlantic).

classic film virgin

classic film virgin: Top Gun (1986) - Cold War propaganda that is weirdly apolitical. Sunny, breezy homoeroticism that is surely unintentional. What a hoot this is! Mostly not in a good way, but its impact on pop culture cannot be denied.