question of the day: What misleading movies titles bother you the most?

A snippet of an article in a Google News alert this weekend caught my attention:

For those who follow politics and Hollywood, 2011 has been a year of misleading movie titles.

And I thought: Bingo! There’s a question of the day.

The rest of the passage — at Reason Magazine — reveals that that first line is just setting up a joke:

For those who follow politics and Hollywood, 2011 has been a year of misleading movie titles. The Debt wasn’t about the federal debt. Contagion wasn’t about the Eurozone crisis. And The Muppets isn’t about Congress. Instead, it’s about a gang of singing, dancing puppets with much better approval ratings.

Ah: not actually misleading titles at all, then. But it still makes for a good QOTD.

We’ve talked in the past about best movie titles and worst movie titles and the best movie with the most title. Today:

What misleading movies titles bother you the most? Did you want some to see some flaming horse-drawn conveyances in Chariots of Fire? How come there’s no nude consumption of midday meals in Naked Lunch? Were you expecting something soothing and calming from Serenity? Did you purchse a ticket to Fargo expecting a grand tour of a fine Midwestern city only to be hugely disappointed?

(If you have a suggestion for a QOTD, feel free to email me. Responses to this QOTD sent by email will be ignored; please post your responses here.)

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