Doctor Who thing of the day: Helen Mirren wants to play the Doctor

Helen Mirren

If the Daily Star printed something to the effect that the sky is blue, I would be disinclined to believe it. But still… from the Daily Star:

The legendary actress, 66, told us: “I would like to play the new female Doctor Who. I don’t want to just be his sidekick.”

Okay. Yes. Cool.

Mirren would totally get me onboard with the idea of the Doctor as a woman, which I generally have not been crazy about.
In response to this news, Jamie Frevele at The Mary Sue wondered:

The odds of this happening? Probably remote. Maybe. Perhaps there is something about how British film and television careers work that is a little different than here, across the pond, where being an award-winning film actor and turning to a regular television series might be considered a “downgrade.”

There certainly is a difference in the U.K.: that snobbery about making distinctions between film actors, TV actors, stage actors, and radio actors doesn’t exist. Actors — including some very famous ones — move between the different media all the time. If the odds of Mirren-as-the-Doctor are remote, it’s not because of this.

Your thoughts on Mirren as the Doctor… or on a woman Doctor at all?

(If you stumble across a cool Doctor Who thing, feel free to email me with a link.)

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