what he said (not): film critic Chris Vetter on ‘Paul’…

…at the Eau Claire Leader-Telegram:

My major criticism of the movie is that Paul comes from an evolution world-view, and he openly mocks Wiig’s character for her Christian values, and this film in general belittles Christianity at every opportunity. (At the end of the movie, Wiig’s “Ruth” thanks Paul for “freeing” her of her Christian beliefs.)

Shockingly and most controversial, Paul also comes from a gravity world-view — that scene where Nick Frost keels over in a dead faint when he first sees the alien? I’ve never seen anything more pro-gravity than that.

Oh, and Paul also comes from an oxygen-is-combustible world-view, what with all the explosions and scandalous depictions of open flame.

So there’s that, too.

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