fun stuff from FlickFilosopher stats week of Jan 26-Feb 01 2013

Actual unretouched phrases that people plugged into search engines this week that led them to this site (with some commentary from me):
“what’s the secret of british acting”
“why didn’t the eagles fly frodo to mount doom”
“why do americans love the super bowl”
“why do so many people like crappy movies”
“why is hans gruber awesome”
“why is hugo weaving so attractive”
“why is john barrowman in zero dark thirty” <-- pressing questions “why suddenly my handwriting worsened” <-- not pressing “it's ok to think the doctor is gay” “alien impregnancy” “are there any vaginas in movie 43” <-- astonishing how many people don’t get to see vaginas in real life “bondage merch” “bridget jones unintelligent” “charles darvin of the pirates band of misfits is same as in monster in paris” <-- oh, my... “counterargument against commercialisation of vampire storries” “doctor who jewish” <-- duh, he’s Prydonian “dork loves japes” “shame what was it about” “what is the movie shame really about” <-- is it that obscure? “sonic screwdriver phallic”

share and enjoy
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Sun, Feb 03, 2013 3:20pm

“why is hans gruber awesome”

Because Alan Rickman.

Sun, Feb 03, 2013 6:24pm

Why do people want porn at the cinema, where they’re in company with other people, when it can be sent free to the home, where they’re not?