movies by or about women opening US/Can from Fri Mar 23



male director, female coscreenwriter, female coprotagonist
Pacific Rim: Uprising [my review]
Emily Carmichael and Kira Snyder cowrite this science fiction action movie about soldiers in giant robots who fight monsters. Features a gender balanced cast including Cailee Spaeny, Tian Jing, Adria Arjona, Ivanna Sakhno, and Rinko Kikuchi. (male director)

male director, male screenwriter, female protagonist
Unsane [my review]
Claire Foy stars as a woman caught up in a bureaucratic snafu at a mental hospital. (male writers and director)

male director, male screenwriter, female protagonist
Midnight Sun [my review]
Bella Thorne stars as a teenage girl who finally meets the boy of her dreams. (male writer and director)


female director, female screenwriter, female protagonist
Beauty and the Dogs [IMDb] pictured
Kaouther Ben Hania writes and directs this drama about a young Tunisian woman (Mariam Al Ferjani) fighting for justice after she is raped.

female director, female screenwriter, female protagonist
Madame [my review]
Amanda Sthers writes and directs this satire about a wealthy woman (Toni Collette) and her maid (Rossy de Palma).

male director, female coscreenwriter, female protagonist
Elis [IMDb]
Andréia Horta stars in this biopic of Brazilian singer Elis Regina. Cowritten by Vera Egito. (male director)

male director, female coscreenwriter, male protagonist
A Bag of Marbles [IMDb]
Alexandra Geismar cowrites this historical drama about two Jewish brothers on the run from Nazi persecution. (male director)

male director, male screenwriter, female protagonist
Getting Grace [IMDb]
Madelyn Dundon stars as a girl dying of cancer and inspiring others along the way. (male writers and director)

male director, male screenwriter, female protagonist
Hichki [IMDb]
Rani Mukerji stars in this Indian dramedy about a schoolteacher with Tourette’s syndrome. (male writers and director)

male director, male screenwriter, female protagonist
I Kill Giants [my review]
Madison Wolfe stars as a girl who escapes into a rich fantasy life of magic and monsters. (male writer and director)

male director, male screenwriter, female protagonist
Pyewacket [IMDb]
Nicole Muñoz stars as a teenage girl whose experiment with black magic goes wrong. (male writer-director)

Please let me know if I’ve missed any movies directed by, written by, or about women.

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Find more movies by and about women using the Here Are the Women tag, and on the movies by/about women in cinemas US and Canada page.

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